eZ Publish / Releases / eZ Publish 4.1 / ez-publish-4-1-4


eZ publish 4.1.4


Changelog 4.1.3 to 4.1.4


  • Implemented enhancement #14934: Disable template compilation in setup wizard
  • Implemented enhancement #13825: Full PHP 5.3 compatibility
  • Implemented enhancement #15032: Update ezlupdate to Qt 4.5 (patch)
  • Implemented enhancement #8054: Content edit handlers - default implementation of storeActionList()
  • Implemented enhancement #13943: eZMySQLiDB::query() should write error number in error message
  • Implemented enhancement #15315: mysqli Persistent Connections support when using mysqlnd
  • Implemented enhancement #15093: Missing session cleanup script / cronjob for Debian based distroes
  • Implemented enhancement #14813: Improved behavior of ContinueShoppingButton in basket.
  • Fixed bug #15523: New objects of content classes installed by the package system have incorrect names and url aliases
  • Fixed bug #15263: After package import, object name is empty
  • Implemented enhancement #15326: Improve debugging and documentation of SiteLanguageList
  • Implemented enhancement #15575 Refactor Version History Limit handling
  • Implemented enhancement #15574 Throw a warning when VersionLimit [ 2


  • Added script update/common/scripts/4.2/fixorphanimages.php Cleans up the image alias files that weren't removed due to issue #15155



  • Fixed bug #14758: Installer loops, if INI file time check is disabled.
  • Fixed bug #14980 :make runcronjobs.php use ezcli/escript option parsing code
  • Fixed bug #15047: Textfile based authentication doesn't work anymore
  • Fixed bug #14366: Duplicate remote_id in ezcontentobject_tree - for LDAP users
  • Fixed bug #15046: WebDav not working on 4.1.2 (patch).
  • Fixed bug #11695: Return correct hostname when behing a proxy
  • Fixed bug #12412: Redirect from secure zones causes redirection twice which messes up urls with special characters
  • Fixed bug #11695: Return correct hostname when behing a proxy (2nd fix, allow multiple hosts)
  • Fixed bug #15055: Preview modos doesn`t execatly look as the frontend
  • Fixed bug #15056: matrix datatype bug
  • Fixed bug #15054: Index on table ezkeyword_attribute_link
  • Fixed bug #15051: Fatal Error accessing collection information (infocollector/overview)
  • Fixed bug #15058: globBrace() in lib/ezutils/classes/ezsys.php does not work using Solaris
  • Fixed bug #15051: Fatal Error accessing collection information (infocollector/overview) # Added missing schema definition
  • Fixed bug #15054: Index on table ezkeyword_attribute_link # Added missing schema definition
  • Fixed bug #15083: No warning is given when uploading file and size exeeds post_max_size [PATCH]
  • Fixed bug #15090: DateTime format in finnish (fin-FI) locale is bad
  • Fixed bug #15091: The rss module should return 304 not-modified
  • Fixed bug #15105: template.ini.[CharsetSettings].DefaultTemplateCharset is set to iso-8859-1
  • Fixed bug #14937: loose products from basket after login / loose session after login?!
  • Fixed bug #15027: fixclassremoteid.php is failing with custom datatypes
  • Fixed bug #11148: Cluster query error on mysql 5.1 using strict mode
  • Fixed bug #15110: duplicate design bases in the list of template design resources
  • Fixed bug #15132: Some overrides do not work
  • Fixed bug #15083: No warning is given when uploading file and size exeeds post_max_size [PATCH]
  • Fixed bug #15140: Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in ezworkflowprocess.php on line 301
  • Fixed bug #14328: Nested embedding override issue
  • Fixed bug #14037: javadoc bug for eZHTTPTool::sendHTTPRequest # including regression for $passthrough variable caused by Rev. 22781
  • Fixed bug #14911: Untranslatable datatypes appears as translatable in class view and edit [patch]
  • Fixed bug #14982: Odd translation warning
  • Fixed bug #13400: ezlupdate always writes to "stderr"
  • Fixed bug #15141: Warning raised by ezauthor datatype
  • Fixed bug #15245: metaData for ezobjectrelation attributes is not always using the right translation
  • Fixed bug #15200: RSS Feed's won't work with Firefox 3.5x
  • Fixed bug #15249: Handle ezc exceptions in setup/info
  • Fixed bug #13828: staticcache_cleanup.php cronjob is inconsistent with ezstaticcache
  • Fixed bug #14893: remote_id is defined as integer and not string in content, node|object fetches
  • Fixed bug #15253: Avoid failure of SQL statement in ezrole.php
  • Fixed bug #14467: Objects are imported with "unknown section"
  • Fixed bug #15254: Cancel button in notification/settings is deprecated, should be removed from templates as well
  • Fixed bug #15037: performance issue due to table lock in ezidentifier datatype
  • Fixed bug #15001: strict warning in eZObjectRelationType::classAttributeContent
  • Fixed bug #15266: cleanup.php script causes PHP warning
  • Fixed bug #15269: Problem with Flash objects in eZ Publish 4.1.3. and Internet Explorer
  • Fixed bug #15280: Avoid warning and bad stylesheet syntax caused in ezdebug.php
  • Fixed bug #15282: A SOAP response can not be created with an empty namespace
  • Fixed bug #13371: eZImageType::fromString() doesn't support alternative image text
  • Fixed bug #14558: eZMySQLiDB::createDatabase() references non-existing method in mysqli extension.
  • Fixed bug #15329: begins_with operator doesn't work as expected with strings
  • Fixed bug #15229: Bug in eZContentOperationCollection::registerSearchObject() in eZ Publish 4.1.3
  • Fixed bug #14763: Fetching a non existing node by path results in a warning while fetching by id doesn't
  • Fixed bug #14515: Disabled & Hidden users still get notifications
  • Fixed bug #15353: Fetch doesn't deliver proper result when usign language limitation and parent and child have a different language
  • Fixed bug #13497: attribute operator throws a PHP fatal error on a node without parent in a displayable language
  • Fixed bug #15328: Problem in function validateObjectAttributeHTTPInput in class ezemailtype.php
  • Fixed bug #015288: eZContentBrowseRecent executed/updated on shell
  • Fixed bug #15211: php fatal error when fetchalias called without second param
  • Fixed bug #15230: php fatal error in fetch reverse_related_object
  • Fixed bug #15120: ezoracle : Fatal error when defining currencies
  • Fixed bug #15252: Search while using content/browse work not correctly
  • Fixed bug #15062: impossible to delete content on oracle
  • Fixed bug #13308: Copy an object with fatal error
  • Fixed bug #14603: Custom install scripts - DOMDocument-]root() - ezinstallscriptpackageinstaller.php # include_once is required in this case
  • Fixed bug #15156: Fatal error when runnning notification cronjob | Node without a parent node
  • Fixed bug #15125: PHP Warning in lib\ezdbschema\classes\ezmysqlschema.php on line 169
  • Fixed bug #15445: The result of eZPostgreSQLDB-]lastSerialID() is expected to be an int.
  • Fixed bug #15153: Apply changes with custom design
  • Fixed bug #14864: Cast error in eZTemplateAttributeOperator
  • Fixed bug #15089: eZ Simplified XML input does not handle whitespace in XML attribute definitions
  • Fixed bug #15454: Make eZSession::getUserSessionHash() to return default hash instead of empty string
  • Fixed bug #15016: replace all direct usage of implodeWithTypeCast() with generateSQLINStatement()
  • Fixed bug #14371: Workflow template repeat broken by security patch
  • Fixed bug #15155: eZImageType::deleteStoredObjectAttribute doesn't clean original image
  • Fixed bug #14850: cache_ttl=0 and stalecache conflict
  • Fixed bug #15388: Warning in eznotificationtransport.php when $transportImpl is null
  • Fixed bug #15478: Node assignment is not removed when removing node from child list
  • Fixed bug #15561: eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch() SQL error when conditions argument is given
  • Fixed bug #15579: VersionManagement.VersionHistoryClass doesn't work


eZ Publish 4.1